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And get immediate access to 50+ lessons and hundreds of videos

Full, instant access to 450+ videos grouped into Rhythms.

Over 50 Djembe rhythms

Multiple lessons for each rhythm

Cultural context of the rhythms

Also includes accompaniments, solos, ballet dununs, traditional dununs and practce tracks for each rhythm

Searchable, accessible video database sorted by difficulty, instrument used, time signature and more

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$ 15 per month
  • Full, instant access to 400+ videos grouped into Rhythms


$ 150 per year
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Why Choose Djembe Tutor

Djembe Tutor provides everything you need to learn African rhythms. We have enough material on this site to keep you learning for years. The only thing missing is YOU!

Fara Tolno is one of the most sought after djembe, dunun and dance teachers in the US. Since leaving Les Merveilles de Guinea, he has poured his heart and soul into becoming a teacher that truly understands how to share his vast knowledge with western students.

This site has been years in the making. For the first time ever, students around the world can study with Fara any time. It is our gift to the world of drum students everywhere.

Djembe.Guru was founded on the belief that everyone who wants to study Djembe and Dununs should have access to an authentic master teacher.